Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hey dearies. Just wanted to share with you an awesome preggy find!

I was quite overwhelmed with the price and irregular sizes of maternity pants, not to mention the worries that come along with it --- thinking what would I do with the items after giving birth.

Thank God one day I came across Mommy Matters (FB-Twitter: mommymattersph) and saw that they were dealers of the Belly Belt!! This genius product from Australia lets you wear your pre-maternity jeans (yes, even your skinny jeans) up to 9 months! How cool is that?

Image taken from here.

The product is easily adjustable and has a "button" belt and a "clasp" belt for jeans, slacks, shorts, skirts... You will never have to spend a single cent on maternity pants anymore, and still wear the clothes that you love while preggers. I love, love, love the Belly Belt! :-) I totally agree with the testimonial on the product box: BEST MATERNITY PURCHASE EVER. :-)


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